An Overview of Dual Language Standards Grades K-3

Dual Language programs have proven to be the best method for promoting bilingualism and biliteracy among English Language Learners (ELLs). The main goal of Dual Language programs is to develop fluency and literacy in English, as well as in an additional language, which is typically Spanish. Additionally, Dual Language programs help promote biculturalism, which fosters an appreciation for different cultures.  Dual … Read More

Creating Lifelong Readers with ELLs In The Classroom

English Language Learners (ELLs) have particular needs that must be met during reading and writing instruction.  Some ELL students come into the classroom able to read and write fluently in their home or native language.  While other ELL students come into the classroom with little to no previous reading and writing skills.  Teachers have to focus on teaching and improving … Read More

Helping Newcomers with Entry Level ESL

ESL newcomers are one of the fastest growing segments of students in the United States’ public school system. For that reason, as educators and school officials, it is important that we help newcomers adjust to ESL instruction. Helping ESL students with phonics, as well as other literacy and language skills better prepares them for school and life. Take a look at some … Read More

5 Research Based Reading Strategies for Elementary ELLs

As a teacher, you want to showcase the literacy strengths of your students, while enhancing their weaknesses. But how can you do both, especially when your students’ native language is other than English? If you prepare and pace yourself, it can be much easier than you could ever believe. We are here to help you, so here are five research-based reading strategies … Read More

Hispanic Heritage Books

Lectura Books has been publishing and distributing bilingual (English/Spanish) children’s books since 2001. We focus on quality bicultural and bilingual literature to offer Latinos a reflection of their diverse cultures and histories through relevant stories.  The dual language focus allows for Spanish-speaking parents and their children, who are learning English at school, a way to learn language together and be … Read More

What is Hispanic Heritage Month?

To kick-off this fun holiday that runs from September 15 through October 15, here are some awesome activities for Hispanic Heritage Month for communities, schools and families! The Scholastic literary resource organization suggests growing a heritage garden common to a lot of Spanish-speaking countries. Some of the staple crops can include peppers, squash, corn and beans. … Read More

Welcoming Newcomers with Easy-to-Use English Phonics

English Language Learners (ELLs) account for a significant number of students within the public school system. While Spanish speakers are the largest ELL population, research demonstrates that there are significant numbers of ELL students that speak languages other than Spanish, such as Arabic and Chinese.  The influx of ELLs has created a need for a systematic approach to reading and learning … Read More

A Parent’s Checklist for Entering Kindergarten

The start of the school year will come around sooner than you know it. And, as a parent, you want nothing more than to make sure that your English Learner (EL) child is ready to start on the educational journey of a lifetime. Kindergarten is such a magical time full of learning, so you want to ensure that your child is … Read More

New Mexico Stories – A Mix of Cultures

New Mexico’s history is a unique blend of Native American and Spanish cultures.  Sharing stories from New Mexico is a great way to promote diversity in your classroom.  New Mexican tales showcase how both cultures worked together to forge a new identity. English Language Learners (ELLs) may relate to these tales of identity, as they too are learning to work … Read More

Is Learning Two Languages Harder than Learning One Language?

Some people believe that learning two languages at the same time is harder than learning one language.  However, that is a huge misconception. Bilingual children develop language abilities differently.  Learning two or more languages at once is not harder than learning one language. Furthermore, it does not cause confusion in children. Children are very intelligent and learn to differentiate between … Read More