High School Dracula Book

Dracula in Beverly Hills – A Vampire Reborn


Dracula is back and he lives in Beverly Hills!  Dylan Bravo, a young Latino college student, tells us what happens to him when he is heading home, and his car breaks down outside a macabre house in the middle of Beverly Hills. Seeking help, he en­counters a beautiful young woman named Aura, who seems kind but may be much more than he ever expected. Dylan then meets Count Dracula and becomes entangled in a fateful game of life and death. When he receives an incredible offer from the vam­pire, Dylan is forced to make a choice that will change his life forever.
Preorder now for Oct. 1st ship date.


By Max Benavidez

Dracula is back and he lives in Beverly Hills!  Dylan Bravo, a young Latino college student, tells us what happens to him when he is heading home, and his car breaks down outside a macabre house in the middle of Beverly Hills.

• 97 pages • $15.95 • ISBN:  978-1-60448-126-6

• Ages: 13-25 • Specs: Black and white pages (97 in English only), 6” x 9”