The Six Best Bilingual Preschool Books for English Learners 
Sure to put a big smile on the face of any lucky recipients, the six best bilingual preschool books for English learners are real page-turners for the little ones! The collection can be used to build a home library, classroom checkout, a parent book club, an ESL program or for Spanish programs. It goes without saying that parents and kids really love these books too!
Lectura Books publishes award-winning bilingual children’s books and curriculum for The Latino Family Literacy Project — a terrific parental involvement organization known to many schools throughout the country. Through its online professional development training workshops, The Project trains teachers on helping parents establish a reading routine using bilingual books. Research shows that a regular family reading time improves vocabulary, reading skills, and overall language development in both English and Spanish for not only the child but parents too. For more information, please contact Lectura Books or The Latino Family Literacy Project.
Colors All Around
$8.95 – $15.95
Colors All Around captures the vibrant and simple beauty of color. Join us as we name the colors in our world.
Fun with ABC’s
$8.95 – $15.95
Happy illustrations bring the Alphabet to life in Fun with ABC’s Lotería Style. Learn the letters in English and Spanish in a playful lotería style.
The Spots on the Jaguar
Once upon a time, there was a jaguar that had many beautiful spots on her body. Learn to count the spots on her body one by one!
Amazing Mama
A classic story of the relationship between mother and child from the child’s point of view. Touching with humorous illustrations.
The Many Faces of Max
Max is a dog who loves his family and they love him. He wears his feelings right on his face. If he’s sad, you know it. If he’s happy, you can tell. Sometimes silly, sometimes sad, Max is always loveable.
I See the World
Whether in the sky or on the ground the world is filled with beauty, animals, toys, and the joy of seeing what the world has to offer.